I had an incident in which my camera bit the dust this summer. There've been a couple of backup cameras I was able to borrow here and there ... which has been a tremendous help, however it kept me from actively booking shoots, I just took the ones that fell in my lap...but didn't do any marketing.
It turned out to be a blessing in disguise though because it's allowed me some time to set up my website and facebook page as well as set up KCoJax.SmugMug.com so that you fine folks have more options in purchasing your photographs.
In the past, I've charged one price which covers the sitting fee, photographs on a disc sized to 4x6 and a copyright release. This KCoJax.SmugMug.com change will allow me to lower the sitting fee considerably in expectation of purchase, whereas before I wasn't affiliated with the subjects purchase end in any way.
Here's the lowdown ...
http://kcojax.smugmug.com/ will take you to a page with TWO departments, one of which is KCoJax Candids (hired shoots, by people such as yourself-divided by category) ... the other is KCoJax Local Flavor, which includes local landscapes and scenery; with the most recent shoots in the *Featured Gallery* bar.

I've spent the last three days glued to my laptop tying up some of the loose ends on pricing, uploading and such ... and there are still some design tweaks that I want to get done in the next few weeks, but I'm ready to share the link and let you folks in on it ... So when you finish up reading below I hope you'll run right off to www.KCoJax.SmugMug.com and take a look!!
I've made an effort to make the prices affordable based on my cost and I'll be working on packages
(especially for children's shoots) in the coming days and weeks...
You can still follow KCoJax Candids on Facebook and share the link as often as you wish.
You never know ... if I notice you've shared it a few times,
you might receive a photo credit in your email in-box!! :)
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