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A Bit from a 2009 Sunset Abandoned Building Adventure...

This building is located in the county of Massac...  I had the opportunity to photograph it in 2009 on the "Laidlaw Sunset Adventu...

An Opening Shot from the 2013 Metropolis Labor Day Parade -

Photos will make it to this link --> 2013 Metropolis Labor Day Parade - Photos by KCoJax on SmugMug -  slightly before they make it here to the blog ... I am admittedly way behind on a million things.  Life has thrown a few challenges in this direction lately... catching up quickly and expecting the best - and you should too!

Don't Horse Around at the Top of the Stairs...
Don't Text and Drive...
and Don't Judge ANYONE But Yourself...

Have a grand and groovy day!
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See more "non-portrait" tom-foolery (i.e. travel photography, bridges, barns and such...) in my retail store, Flawn Ocho... See a hodge-podge of everything when you *Like* the KCoJax Candids Facebook Page... 

Meet Carl...

I was out on the Porcho the other afternoon ... which is the patio that borders the alley... and I heard a sound that was a bit of a scratch with a chomp thrown in here and there... I looked all about and finally spotted Carl... that's what I named him, Carl the Squirrel.  

I absolutely could have appointed him something more fantastic and creative than Carl, but for some reason.. in that instant, as I retrieved my camera and stepped back out onto the Porcho - Carl seemed to fit.  He was a laid back fellow, just sitting there as Shazbot and Sha Na Na meowed at him from below... 

Now about a week later, Carl is becoming a fixture and is on the alley nearly every time I got outside.  He's been busy this week it seems running back and forth with nuts that I assume he's storing at home, wherever that is ... most likely in one of our front trees... 

I was looking for a squirrel quote to wrap this up ... but I didn't find one that tickled my fancy ... so I'll leave you with some squirrel fun facts...

  • Squirrels can jump a distance of up to 20 feet. They have long, muscular hind legs and short front legs that work together to aid in leaping.
  • Squirrels in general are found on every continent except Antarctica and Australia.
  • Squirrels can fall up to 100 feet without hurting themselves. They'll use their tail both for balance and as a parachute.
  • Squirrels eyes are positioned in such a way that they can see some things behind them.
  • The word "squirrel" means "shadow tail" in Greek.
  • An adult squirrel normally lives alone. But will, in severe cold, share its nest with other squirrels to conserve body heat. Once the temperature rises, the guests will be on their way. 

Have a Grand and Groovy Day!
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Don't Horse Around at the Top of the Stairs...
and Don't Text and Drive... 

See more "non-portrait" tom-foolery (i.e. travel photography, bridges, barns and such...) in my retail store, Flawn Ocho... See a hodge-podge of everything when you *Like* the KCoJax Candids Facebook Page... 

Part 2 - Glimpses of my FIRST visit EVER to the St. John Church Ice Cream Social - 2013

This is Part 2 of glimpses of my first visit ever to the St. John Church Ice Cream Social... You can see Part 1 HERE...

The Ice Cream Line... which pretty much never empties, but it well worth the wait! 

Some of the amazing people responsible for pulling off this event... 

Below are some random shots I took around the gathering...

I'll take a spin through and see if I've now rounded up all of these photos... I'll either bring you the rest of these tomorrow or some other goodies from my hard drive that are waiting to be seen...

Have a grand and groovy day!
If you liked it, Share it! 

Please and Thanks!
Don't Horse Around at the Top of the Stairs...

Don't Text and Drive...
and Don't Judge ANYONE but yourself...

See more "non-portrait" tom-foolery (i.e. travel photography, bridges, barns and such...) in my retail store, Flawn Ocho... See a hodge-podge of everything when you *Like* the KCoJax Candids Facebook Page... 

Glimpses of my FIRST visit EVER to the St. John Church Ice Cream Social - 2013

Though I was "raised in the neighborhood" and had heard of it for as long as I can remember, I had never attended the St. John's Ice Cream Social until this year.  As the date approached, I was thrilled when I learned that this was a regular thing for Evan and he was planning to attend...

This view was one I knew well due to pulling out of Jefferson School nearly four million times over the course of my life... But it was just phenomenal to see all of the traffic of those attending.

As reported by WPSD-TV, the event has taken place for 70 years
and proceeds go to benefit local families in need.

I  caught some folks sitting about visiting 
who were agreeable for a quick shot... 

This shot, I thought said so much ...
people visiting and seeing people they haven't seen in ages just as far as the eye can see ...

One of my favorite shots of the afternoon ... the official meteorologist of the Comer family and many of you, Beau Dodson and his mom, Judy.  I have known these two since before I was born and I was so happy to run into them... 

This is one of those events that you just shouldn't miss... 

See more "non-portrait" tom-foolery (i.e. travel photography, bridges, barns and such...) in my retail store, Flawn Ocho... See a hodge-podge of everything when you *Like* the KCoJax Candids Facebook Page... 

Pictures of Food... Taken at a Cooking Class... By a Woman Who Can Barely Make Toast...

.. Monday evening as we were getting settled in from our day here at the House on Pooh Corner, Evan asked me if I'd like to "do something" Tuesday night - maybe "get something to eat"...

I was standing on the Patiocho smoking a ciggy and we were talking through the screen... "Sure, what sounds good?"

"Weeell, Artisan Kitchen is having one of their cooking classes... Do you think you'd like that?", he asked - very hesitantly, knowing that I can set a kitchen on fire while making a grilled cheese sandwich...  I laughed and laughed and told him that it actually sounded like a lot of fun and I knew the food would be fantastic regardless... so yes...

Tuesday evening we arrived at Artisan Kitchen... Evan having not only having gone to this specific event a few times, but having attended culinary school in Memphis was waaaay ahead of me on this one.... I was nervous .. overwhelmed with the underlying fear that I would do something terribly idiotic and embarrass myself AND Evan... catch the kitchen on fire, ruin the food, the possibilities were endless...

After all of the pre-registered students arrived, we were led into the kitchen; where everything was 'mise en place'...  "Mise en place" .. that's an official cheffing word, you know?  It means the measured out ingredients and supplies or to have your mess in place ... Like ... sometimes when I'm cooking dinner at home, which is rare - because I'm banned ... but sometimes if Evan's craving my manicotti, I'll say - "I'm gonna go in here and set up my mess..."  


Anywho... Our messes for each dish were set up ... and just as I would have expected, I was assigned to boiling water and assisting on the pasta salad... It was as if these people had heard of me before I arrived, because the chef didn't even let me light the burner... I was very pleased with how it went though...

I learned a bit about whisking and I am now totally prepared  to make a pasta salad on a moments notice!

Pictured here ... quickly, before I ate it ...
Ahi Tuna Kebabs, Bacon Wrapped Scallops, Tortellini Salad and Portabella Mushroom Bruschetta.

Have a Grand and Groovy Day!
If You Liked It ... Share It - Please and Thanks!
Be Kind to One Another...
Don't Text and Drive...
and Don't Judge ANYONE but Yourself...

See more "non-portrait" tom-foolery (i.e. travel photography, bridges, barns and such...) in my retail store, Flawn Ocho... See a hodge-podge of everything when you *Like* the KCoJax Candids Facebook Page... 

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